We have sheetrock!
I totally missed documenting the insulation stage, which means we've been out at the house working on our "extras."
Before they insulated, we my dad roughed in a central vacuum system. We thought it would be best to do it now rather than wish we would've done it later. He installed it in their home when they built it and said it was easy, so I gave that job to him! He rocked it!
We also decided to put extra insulation in areas that weren't standard for the builder to do. We added it around the bedrooms, laundry, and insulated the entire garage. It took us 2 evenings to do, 2.5 trips to Colonial Hardware, and 3 Home Depot runs.
And here we stand with sheetrock. These guys are animals. They busted the entire house out in ONE day! It is actually looking like a home inside.