Monday, August 1, 2011

Installing Cabinetry

Here are a few "in-progress" pictures of the kitchen cabinetry installation.  The Hubs made some columns on each side of the fridge that will slide out and I can store canned goods in them.  Pretty sweet, right?

We opted for puck lights in the upper-upper cabinets (they will have seeded glass in them).  Ignore the stick that is holding the light up (freshly siliconed).  You do what you gotta do sometimes!
That farm sink is going to be fab!
We have quite a few "To-Do Lists" going around.  We write on whatever we can find as soon as we think of or realize something else we need to do.  We are also getting ready for the granite to be installed.  

I stained that piece of wood that the balusters attached into.  Let me just say that this railing has been a nightmare.  Don't get me wrong- I still love it.  It's just been a pain in my behind (and everyone else's who have helped me).  After taping, staining, sanding, re-taping, re-spraying, re-sanding, and finally re-spraying FIVE FREAKIN' TIMES...  I think it's finished.

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